Terravera and Fremtind lay the foundation for a new industry standard

How much of a difference in CO₂ emissions does it make to repair a car with used parts instead of new ones?

Terravera Foundation and Fremtind have teamed up to reduce the climate impact of car repairs. Using a new model developed by Terravera, Fremtind will be able to quantify the CO₂ emissions of various repair choices, thus facilitating more sustainable decisions throughout the insurance industry.

Greater Insight into the Climate Impact of Car Repairs
In their collaboration, Terravera and Fremtind have focused on creating a concrete method to compare CO₂ emissions associated with different repair options.

Henriette Strømsvåg, Sustainability Modeller at Terravera, explains: “We have tried to map out how we can best compare different measures for car repairs. How much difference does it make in CO₂ emissions to repair a car with a new part as opposed to a used part? By focusing on the parts that are most often replaced, we are building a comprehensive database of emissions related to different types of repairs.”

This model provides Fremtind with a solid method for documenting the effect, measured in CO2 emissions, of various repair strategies and making sustainable choices that reduce the insurance industry's greenhouse gas footprint.

A new industry standard for sustainability

Once the model is complete, Fremtind aims to share it with the entire insurance industry. Mathilde Sørensen, Head of Sustainability in Insurance Settlements at Fremtind, says: “This gives us a solid basis for reporting and, most importantly, better insight into where our initiatives will have the greatest impact.” Strømsvåg adds: “Fremtind’s contribution of data and participation in meetings along the way ensures high quality work and effective modeling.”

Partnership with a long-term goal

Terravera contributes independent expertise and a research-based approach to climate accounting, tailored to the needs of the insurance industry. “It is inspiring to see sectors outside of traditional industry showing a strong commitment to sustainability and higher quality sustainability reporting,” says Strømsvåg. The collaboration represents concrete steps towards a more responsible and transparent future for the insurance industry.


The Terravera Approach – A Commitment to Making a Difference


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