16 million to AI machine for greener consumption habits
"Choose green, be rewarded" is the slogan of Fauna, which has been awarded 16 million kroner when the Research Council distributes almost 500 million kroner for research in the business sector throughout the country. Terravera will be part of the collaboration with Fauna.
Foto: Daglig leder Synne Asheim Haga, Fauna og Elisabet Kjerstad Bøe, CEO Terravera Foundation.
- The business sector is well underway with a historic transition! The government wants to ensure that Norwegian companies can take even greater advantage of the opportunities in the green shift. Research and innovation are crucial for this. The projects receiving support now are based on the companies’ own needs and will contribute to a greener and more digitalized business sector, says Minister of Trade and Industry Jan Christian Vestre to forskningsrådet.no.
The Fauna and Terravera Project Focuses on Encouraging Sustainable Choices
Fauna already has strong results in this area. Their data shows that over 60% of users make greener choices after signing up for the Fauna app.
“This is a very good start. Now we’re excited to dive even deeper into the details. We are a strong team, and everything is set for making exciting discoveries,” says Synne Asheim Haga, CEO and co-founder of Fauna.
The team includes several specialists in their fields: Terravera for data modeling, Nudgelab for behavioral psychology, Norsk Regnesentral for data analysis, and X Receipts for input data.
Three-Year Project
The project will run for three years, with the goal of developing a personal sustainability coach. Based on your consumption, it will guide you on the next best steps to become more sustainable.
Businesses can use this system to incentivize sustainable changes among their employees, customers, and members. The system documents the actual impact, which can be used for reporting.
“This is going to be very exciting! This is knowledge that everyone in retail needs. We are extremely proud to be a leading player in sustainable consumer insights,” says Haga.
Elisabet Kjerstad Bøe, CEO of Terravera Foundation, is also enthusiastic about the project.
“The work Fauna is doing to create engagement for, and reward, more sustainable behavior is incredibly important,” says Bøe.
“We are ready to contribute to the project with new knowledge and data on what constitutes sustainable choices, as well as our digital tools that provide better decision support. We look forward to collaborating with great partners on this, and the support from the Research Council helps accelerate the process,” Bøe concludes.