Sustainable Choices: Recycling vs. Energy Recovery for Plastics and Gypsum
How can we minimize environmental impact in the treatment of plastics and gypsum waste while achieving sustainable results?
BIR lacked detailed insights into the carbon emissions and cost implications of different treatment methods for plastics and gypsum waste. They needed reliable data to determine whether recycling or energy recovery was the most sustainable solution.
How We Collaborate
Together with BIR, Terravera developed a comprehensive model to analyze the lifecycle emissions and costs associated with plastics and gypsum waste management. By integrating data from BIR and research-backed methodologies, we helped visualize the environmental and economic outcomes of recycling versus energy recovery, enabling informed, sustainable decision-making.
Comprehensive Global Insights
Leveraging worldwide data and research to deliver an in-depth analysis for informed and sustainable decision-making.
BIR's Waste Value Chain
From plastic collection and sorting to recycling and energy recovery, BIR optimizes waste management to maximize recycling and minimize landfill impact.
Insights and Impact
The analysis revealed that mechanical recycling often outperformed energy recovery in reducing net CO2 emissions, particularly in scenarios leveraging clean energy sources. This provided BIR with a data-driven foundation to optimize downstream waste management practices and prioritize sustainability.